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Trainings & Events

Women of Color Task Force Conference

Wednesday, April 10, 2019
9:00 am12:00 pm
Delaware Art Museum, 2301 Kentmere Parkway, Wilmington

DCADV's Women of Color Task Force presents:

Stop the Madness! A Workshop on Domestic Violence & the Impact of the Courageous Bystander

Presenters include:
*Paulette Sullivan Moore
*Sherri Akil
*Juan Rodriguez

There will also be a featured dance presentation by Pieces of a Dream, Inc., Delaware's only professional modern dance company, showcasing an original work on the societal issue of domestic violence.

Registration Costs:
Early Bird Registration (through 3/18/19): $15.00
General Registration (3/19/19-4/5/19): $20.00

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