Delaware Domestic Violence Specialist Certification

Since 2001, DCADV has recognized individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to excellence and best practices in domestic violence services. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on the importance of prevention practices, in addition to intervention services. To reflect the changing landscape of the domestic violence field, the DVS Certification Program has been designed to recognize those improving conditions and eliminating domestic/intimate partner violence at all levels!
Domestic Violence Specialist (DVS) Certifications Available:
- Direct Service/Systems Advocacy: This certification track recognizes the dedication to quality service provision, as well as a commitment to improving Delaware's systems for victims/survivors of domestic/intimate partner violence.
- Prevention: This certification track recognizes the valuable work done by those working to prevent and eliminate domestic/intimate partner violence by addressing the root causes of domestic/intimate partner violence at the individual, relationship, community, and/or societal levels through primary prevention efforts.
- Dual Certification: We recognize that intervention and prevention work do not exist in silos. For those whose work experience has incorporated direct service, systems advocacy, and prevention, Dual Certification may apply.
What are the requirements to become certified?
- No history of violent behavior for 5 (five) years; review of complete criminal and substance abuse history;
- Submit a Criminal Background Check from the State of Delaware, state of residence, and state of employment (or verification of background check from employer);
- Abide by the Professional Code of Ethics of the Delaware Domestic Violence Specialist;
- Complete 2,000 hours of service in their area of practice (direct services/systems advocacy and/or prevention);
- Complete 70 clock hours (110 clock hours for Dual Certification) of Training and Education with documentation;
- Complete 12 hours of mentoring sessions with a DCADV Certified Domestic Violence Specialist;
- Request three evaluations be submitted on their behalf; one each from a supervisor, a colleague, and a local community agency;
- Self-evaluation (completed by the applicant)
Certification Documents
The Application and Booklet are designed to be printed double sided to conserve paper. However, the files may also be printed single sided. All forms are in PDF format and may be filled in electronically.
You have the option to download a ZIP file that includes all of the required pieces of the Initial Application, or you may download each document as you need it.
Initial Application Forms
This guide provides a step-by-step overview of the initial application process, as well as information for those seeking recertification.
This link will download a ZIP file of all the required forms for the Initial Application. If you have difficulty accessing the ZIP files, each form is available for individual download below.
Note: Applicants may use their own version of a training log in Word, Excel, etc., as long as it contains the information required as stated in the application. To use this form, click on the "Instructions" tab for instructions to fill out the form. Enter data in the "Training Log" tab.
Recertification Application Forms
This link will download a ZIP file of all the required forms for the Recertification Application. If you have difficulty accessing the ZIP files, each form is available for individual download below.
Note: Applicants may use their own version of a training log in Word, Excel, etc., as long as it contains the information required as stated in the application. To use this form, click on the "Instructions" tab for instructions to fill out the form. Enter data in the "Training Log" tab.
Payment should only be made when the application is complete.
Payment can be made by check or credit card. Use the link above to pay online via credit card.
Checks should be made out to “DCADV” and mailed to:
Attn: DVS Certification
100 W. 10th Street, Suite 903
Wilmington, DE 19801
Questions about the application process? Contact