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Photo Project

The Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence envisions a First State where safe, healthy, equitable relationships, families and communities thriveRepresentation and inclusion are key to our work.  We want our photo library to be reflective of our community.   What better way to find representations of Delaware than to ask YOU?!

How do YOU see Delaware?

Show us your view of Delaware!  What's important to you?  What's your community?  We're looking for photos that represent the many communities of the First State.  Photos can include:

  • Community events
  • Landmarks
  • People
  • Activities
  • Traditions
  • Landscapes
  • and more!

Why are we looking for photos?  Why not just use stock photos?  Photos are a great way to communicate!  We use photos in our social media, newsletter, training and outreach materials, and displayed in our office.  We'd love to keep our messaging authentic to Delaware, and that includes taking any opportunity we can to showcase the amazing people and places around the state!



  • Photos must be taken in Delaware.
  • Photos can be in color or black and white.
  • All photos must be original work, taken by the entrants. No third party may own or control any materials the photo contains, and the photo must not infringe upon the trademark, copyright, moral rights, intellectual rights, or rights of privacy of any entity or person.
  • Entrants will retain copyright of their photos but must approve a simple license giving DCADV permission for non-exclusive use of all photo submissions for promotional and educational purposes.
  • The photos submitted must not be derogatory, offensive, threatening, defamatory, disparaging, libelous or contain any content that is inappropriate, indecent, sexual, profane, tortious, slanderous, or discriminatory in any way or that promotes hatred or harm against any group or person.


How to submit a photo

You may email your photos to or through the form below.  If you submit by email, please include:

  • Your name
  • Your contact info (email/phone number)
  • Where the photo was taken
  • Any other information you'd like us to know about the photo

Submit your photo by August 31, 2023 and be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card!

First Name *
Last Name *

Please read the following.  By submitting this photo for consideration, you are acknowledging:

  • By submitting photos, I give DCADV permission to use them for any purpose related to promotion and education. This permission includes, but is not limited to, publication by DCADV in printed materials, digital materials, websites, and/or social media. I will not be compensated for such use. However, DCADV will credit me when sharing the photos.
  • The photo(s) I have shared are original work, taken by me. No third party owns or controls any materials the photo contains, and to the best of my knowledge, the photo does not infringe upon the trademark, copyright, moral rights, intellectual rights, or rights of privacy of any entity or person.
  • I will retain copyright of my photos but give DCADV permission for non-exclusive use of all photo submissions for promotional and educational purposes.
  • The photo(s) I have submitted are not derogatory, offensive, threatening, defamatory, disparaging, libelous or contain any content that is inappropriate, indecent, sexual, profane, tortious, slanderous, or discriminatory in any way or that promotes hatred or harm against any group or person.
  • I understand that DCADV may not use any of the photos that I submit.
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