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As the U.S. moves toward COVID-19 recovery, domestic violence nonprofits can help one of the most vulnerable populations rebound. Continuing its commitment to advancing financial security and education for survivors through its Moving Ahead Curriculum, The Allstate Foundation provided a $61,000 Moving Ahead Grant to the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

The Moving Ahead grants are part of the Foundation’s commitment to ending domestic violence through financial empowerment with its Moving Ahead Curriculum, at Twenty-seven state coalitions will receive a total of $1.3 million this year, part of the more than $85 million the Foundation has invested over the past 16 years.

DCADV is proud to partner with Child, Inc. and People’s Place on this grant. This grant has enabled these partners to build their capacity to provide financial literacy education to victims, and our ability to support a culture of savings and financial independence.

This year, DCADV has been able to reach an additional 142 survivors, and many face similar barriers to long-term safety. For example, one project participant was chronically homeless and experiencing domestic violence for a number of years. When they began the financial literacy class, they shared that prior to the class they had no clarity on what to do with her financial situation.  She was couch surfing and staying from hotel to hotel. She was in financial debt due to her abuser abusing her credit. While in the shelter and taking the financial literacy class, she was able to work on her credit report and contacted all the companies and places who had judgments against her. Advocates were able to help assist her to clear off some of her judgments and repair her credit report. She participated in all of the modules, has completed her match savings and opened up a savings account. Her credit score has increased and she plans to take the financial literacy course again.  She expressed feeling more hopeful about the future.

Another remarkable accomplishment this year has been the broadening of DCADV’s and partners’ focus on financial literacy and economic justice. As has previously been reported, DCADV leveraged the work of the Allstate grant in applying for and receiving additional funding to prevent and address gender based violence through financial literacy. These efforts of the last few years led to an Economic Justice Summit held in October 2020 in collaboration with the University of Delaware’s Biden Institute of Public Policy. The Summit had a three-part focus, with part two focusing on the importance of financial literacy and credit building supports for victims. This summit brought together state officials, leaders, businesses, and advocates, and highlighted the benefits of the Allstate project. The Summit has helped launch follow up discussions on ways to improve policies and practices in Delaware.

A final accomplishment we would like to highlight is related to our project partners’ efforts to maintain these services through the past year. Child, Inc. and People’s Place have experienced unprecedented hurdles over the past year due to the state of emergency and the public health crisis. Despite the crisis, partners explored ways to get the information and credit building supports to survivors in their programs. Because of the need to shelter in hotels, many of these services had to shift from a group format to one on one instructions. Nevertheless, staff view these services as critical and have worked to ensure that quality classes and supports are maintained. This crisis has exposed the financial vulnerability that many people live with, and we are better positioned to act and to work with others to implement policies to address inequities, increase opportunities, and increase access to financial security.

The Allstate Foundation is an independent charitable organization made possible by subsidiaries of The Allstate Corporation. Since 2005, the Foundation has invested over $85 million to end domestic violence and financial abuse and helped more than 2.5 million survivors rebuild their lives through financial empowerment. You can follow @AllstateFDN on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


Delaware Hotline Numbers:

In New Castle County, call 302-762-6110

In Kent/Sussex Counties, call 302-422-8058 or Abriendo Puertas at 302-745-9874


DCADV’s partners for this Allstate Foundation Grant:

Child, Inc. 302-762-8989

People’s Place 302-422-8033

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