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Trainings & Events

Webinar: Navigating Survivor Confidentiality

Monday, January 29, 2018
2:00 pm3:30 pm

This 90-minute webinar will cover the basics on how advocates and other victim services professionals can protect confidentiality for survivors of domestic violence as required by federal law, with a special emphasis on how to foster collaborative relationships with allied professionals (such as doctors, law enforcement, attorneys and mental health providers) without violating the boundaries of confidentiality.

Guest Presenter: Alicia Aiken, J.D., Director, Confidentiality Institute

Since 2011, Alicia Aiken has been the Director of Confidentiality Institute, a national organization empowering people to protect privacy for crime victims. Ms. Aiken specializes in delivering targeted, entertaining & interactive training. Additionally, as Principal Consultant with Aiken Strategic Partners, Ms. Aiken excels in strategic planning and coaching helping professionals to improve their communication, negotiation, collaboration, litigation, management, and supervision skills.

In 2014, Ms. Aiken & Confidentiality Institute launched the Protecting Privacy to Enhance Safety Subpoena Defense Pro Bono Project for the American Bar Association, and she headed up a national discussion on cloud computing and crime victim privacy with National Network to End Domestic Violence. In 2015, Ms. Aiken & Practising Law Institute’s ground-breaking web course “Effective Communication with the Legal Services Client” was honored for Outstanding Achievement in Technology by the Association for Continuing Legal Education. And, in 2016, she became the inaugural Faculty Fellow for PLI’s Interactive Learning Center.

Ms. Aiken spent 15 years with LAF (Legal Assistance Foundation), the largest legal services program in Illinois, where she represented victims of domestic violence and people living in poverty in a wide variety of complex legal matters. While at LAF, Ms. Aiken rose to the position of Director of Training, Pro Bono and Client Support Services, and served on the Executive Committee of the 13 million dollar non-profit organization.

University of Michigan saw fit to grant Alicia Aiken undergraduate and law degrees in 1992 and 1995 (Go blue!), and she has practiced trial and appellate law in Illinois, Vermont, and Michigan. She has been privileged to teach and consult with the University of Michigan, DePaul College of Law, the University of Oregon, the American Bar Association, the Office on Violence Against Women, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, Allstate Foundation, Break the Cycle, the National Network to End Domestic Violence, and state-based domestic and sexual violence organizations across the U.S.

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