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Trainings & Events

Webinar- Stalking: Dynamics, Risks, and Safety Strategies

Tuesday, October 6, 2020
10:30 am12:00 pm

Stalking is a complex and dynamic crime that often escalates into more serious violence, including homicide. This webinar workshop will address the definition of stalking, highlighting the contextual elements, the dynamics and risks with a focus on the intersection of stalking and domestic violence, how technology is used by stalkers, and safety strategies. The webinar is designed for victims of stalking, advocates, attorneys, first responders and victim service providers.

- Sue Ryan, Executive Director, DCADV
- Brooke Ophardt, Training & Prevention Specialist, DCADV

Please note that the live event is limited to 250 attendees. This webinar will be recorded and a link will be shared with all registrants within a week of the event.

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