Webinar: Let's Talk Oppression & Hold Each Other Accountable
Let's Talk Oppression & Hold Each Other Accountable
In our daily lives, we consciously and unconsciously witness or perpetrate violence towards people who identify at the margins. During this workshop, we’ll explore how gender based violence and forms of oppression are inadvertently intertwined. This workshop will provide tools to give and receive feedback in the workplace and with allied professionals. Participants will practice how to engage in difficult conversations to hold each other accountable when we cause harm.
Tatiana Piper is the Community Advocacy Coordinator at the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape. She provides training and technical assistance related to engaging and supporting traditionally under- and unserved survivors of sexual violence; including older adults and individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. She has made it her life mission to ensure traditionally underserved and unserved communities are not forgotten and always have seats at the table.
Jackie Strohm is the Prevention and Resource Coordinator at the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape. She provides training, resources, and support to local rape crisis centers with the goal of making communities safer for everyone. She previously served at PCAR as the Special Projects Coordinator, where she worked on projects related to telecounseling and serving male survivors. Jackie joined the movement to end sexual violence in 2012 as a peer educator on her college campus. She is a graduate of Temple University where she earned both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work.
Registration will open 6 weeks prior to the event. CEUs are pending approval.
This program is funded through the Delaware Criminal Justice Council by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Family Violence Prevention and Services Program.