If you would like to request health resources, please contact Ama Amponsah at aamponsah@dcadv.org or fill out this request form.
DV Resource Shoe Card
This resource card is plastic, durable, discreet, and can fit in a shoe or wallet. The card is available in English and Spanish. Phone numbers for services in New Castle County on one side, and numbers for Kent and Sussex Counties on the opposite site.
DV-CHW Shoe Card
This resource card is plastic, durable, discreet, and can fit in a shoe or wallet. The card is available in English and Spanish. It describes the Community Health Advocate service and provides the referral numbers.
DV-CHW Poster
This poster is 11x17 and is laminated. It it available in both English and Spanish. It describes the Community Health Advocate service and provides the referral numbers.
DV Screening Tips Card
This resource card is plastic and durable and fit nicely in a wallet with a health care provider’s badge. It is intended for health care team members who screen patients for domestic violence and provide best practice tips.
Safety Cards
Intentionally designed for discretion, this 4-panel double-sided 3.5″ x 8″ resource folds down to 3.5″ x 2″. This business card-sized tool prompts patients to consider whether they are in a healthy relationship or have experienced unhealthy or unsafe relationship patterns. Available for general practice settings, as well as specific to pediatrics, teens, OB/GYN. Additionally, safety cards are available that are aimed at different populations, such as LGBTQ, Transgender, Muslim, Indigenous, as well as a variety of languages (English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, and Haitian Creole).

Key Ring Tag
This small, durable, plastic card attaches to keyrings and healthcare team member’s lanyards providing quick access to referral phone numbers for the Community Health Advocates.

Health and Safety Posters
These posters were designed for display in a range of health sites. The posters identify aspects of both healthy and unhealthy relationships, encourages talking to a healthcare provider if the reader or someone they know has questions or is experiencing abuse. The bottom of the poster refers patients to valuable community resources. Like the Safety Cards, these posters are available in different languages and can be general or specific to certain populations.