DCADV is recognized as a leader in domestic violence training for advocates, criminal and civil justice personnel, and social service staff, reaching over 3,000 participants each year. Training initiatives include an annual conference, a semi-annual DV101 training, and issue-specific workshops on topics such as dating violence, health care response, and lethality assessment.

DCADV is committed to developing and presenting trainings that:
- raise awareness and understanding of domestic violence;
- share best practices;
- strengthen efforts to prevent and end intimate partner violence; and
- model trauma-informed approaches.
DCADV is available to provide training upon request to agencies, organizations, and groups. These trainings can be tailored to meet the needs of each audience. Trainings may cover a wide variety of topics related to domestic violence prevention and intervention.
For more information about these or any training offerings, please contact our Training Team at training@dcadv.org or 302-658-2958.