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Trainings & Events

Oppression & the Culture of Power Within the Domestic & Sexual Violence Movement

Tuesday, July 21, 2020
10:00 am12:00 pm

**As part of our continuing commitment to victims/survivors in Delaware and building the capacity of the agencies/systems that serve them, this webinar is intended for those working within the state of Delaware with domestic/sexual violence survivors in community-based or systems-based agencies/organizations.**

This interactive training includes a nuanced introductory conversation about oppression, its varied forms and our individual roles in perpetuating it. Participants will also explore the dynamics of how power is cultivated, achieved, and maintained by certain societal groups. The training will illustrate how power is honed and used to marginalize and oppress certain segments of our society. More specifically the group will discuss how the intersection of oppression and power has impacted the ways in which the domestic and sexual violence movement has evolved. Finally, the group will discuss how these dynamics may manifest in our day-to-day work. The training will include individual and small group activities. Group agreements will be established at the beginning of the session to promote respectful, honest and self-reflective dialogues.

By the conclusion of the webinar, participants will be able to:
1. Define oppression and articulate its multiple manifestations in U.S. society.
2. Identify how oppression impacts our individual work and the domestic/sexual violence movement at large.
3. Recognize how the culture of power has evolved in many of our organizations and the DV/SA sector in general.

-Jessica Ayden Li, Healing Equity United
-Fiona Oliphant, Healing Equity United

Approved registrants will receive the link to connect to the webinar a few days prior to the event. Please note that this event is limited to 100 participants in the live webinar. This webinar will be recorded. If you won't be able to attend, but would still like to receive a link to the recording and any materials, we encourage you to register.

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